Triatlhon training that will feed your soul.

TTH helped me with a greater sense of purpose for my triathlon training. "There’s no better way to boost fitness, learn stuff and meet like-minded people than by going to a training camp”. This is spot on with TTH. TTH camp is a semi-structured group training sessions, as they will adapt to your needs. I always had at least one coach with me even when I was really literally on the back of the pack. I really enjoyed the very high level of TTH coaching skills. I learned a lot of theory but not so much that I can’t remember it and the practical aspect was also great especially the drills for running and swimming. I learned more about how to set up the bike and use the gears in one week than I have in years on my own! I learned to how to quick remove your swimsuit and do not lose your googles. The TTH camp provided me with a fantastic opportunity to meet other athletes while being exposed to a different training stimulus and coaches, and, of course, pack in some kms within amazing surroundings. As the long ride goes, due to a persistent injury from a bike fall, Me, a coach and another athlete experienced an epic sunrise in the hills of Algarve. There are different rides paths that accommodate everyone’s training needs and capabilities. My main goal was technique improvements in running. This was check, including with a better understanding what I need to do with my running, adding swimming as a bonus. I will sign for another as soon as personal logistics with small kids are in my favor again and injury free this time. Just one tip: Bring enough gels!

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