Posts tagged Nutrition
Carbohydrate Periodisation

In this final of three articles, Coach Kevin looks at reintroducing carbohydrates after becoming ‘fat'-adapted’ through a low-carb, high-fat diet. This is pertinent to those who are working in a low-carb environment but want to perform. Carbohydrate periodisation is all about timing your intake to facilitate bouts of higher intensity training or racing. Read on to find out more.

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Ketogenic Diet for Athletes

Coach Kevin recently wrote an article comparing high carbohydrate to high fat (or ketogenic diets). Hopefully, by the end, you had a better idea of whether you should stick with the norm (high carb), or consider trying out a high-fat option. This article is for those who are thinking about giving keto a go – Kevin will explain the potential benefits, downsides, and how to do it right from an athlete’s perspective using both his experiences and science.

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What is Energy Availability?

In this article, we look at Energy Availability and get under the hood of what makes us healthy and what makes us strong. Performance correlates with consistency in training, so avoiding skipped training sessions through illness or injury is critical to success. How can we use Energy Availability and an understanding of our body’s needs to enable better performances and body compositions?

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What can my nutrition strategy look like if there are no aid stations in a COVID-safe race?

Coach Will takes a look at an important part of the new style racing and one that most triathletes have sat at the top of their concerns: how can I eat! He discusses aid station format and some thoughts about balancing speed and nutrition to ensure the best possible results. This will be an ongoing area to optimise.

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Isolation – kitchen station!

Athletes often schedule their training, their races, their training holidays…well, pretty much every aspect of their life. However, all too often they forget to schedule their nutrition with their training. Here coach Diogo makes the point that now is the best time ever to ensure you have a sound understanding and knowledge to set up your pre and post-session routine. Also, hear about our #tricookingharder social media fun!

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