Coach Diogo's Racing Tips

What can an athlete do to help reduce nerves?

Listening to their favourite music, chatting with family/friends about something else that is not related to the race helps to reduce stress, taking things with good sense of humour also helps.

How do you feel an athletes perspective of a race and racing changes over the course of a season?

During the season we talk about their performance on the workouts and accordingly to their feedback we can understand how the athlete thinks about his performance on for the race. Talking with the athlete through the season and asking him what he or she expects from the race, allows me to see if the athlete’s expectations are on the same page as mine, if not, we need to have a conversation about it.

How would an athlete know they were ready to race? How does it feel?

I like to make a few workouts to simulate the race the athlete will do, if we talk about LD I like to do the Triple brick that consists in 2h30 on the bike + 30min on the run + 1h30 on the bike + 30min on the run and 1h on the bike + 1h on the run in negative split, this is an amazing workout that allows me to check the athlete’s form and gives a boost on the athlete’s confidence for the big day, usually I make this test 1 month before the race. Also we can make some other tests or workouts that can give us enough data about the athlete, for example, an FTP on the bike will give us a very good indication on the his level of performance for the big day and also predict his performance for the cycling part.

What recommendation would you give to help promote post-race recovery?

Usually I recommend to do something non triathlon related, a walk with the family is a good way for the athlete to recover from the race and also gives some time with the family that is also needed. If the athlete knows how to do some other sports or activities that gives them pleasure they are more than welcome, surfing for example.

What do you think is useful for supporters to shout to athletes as the athlete go past/what can they do to help motivate the athlete more?

Never ask “are you ok?”, the athletes are racing, they are suffering and having someone asking them if they are ok can put our mind set down, instead try to ask them if they need anything, they will let you know. Try to cheer them up and giving them positive energy, show your enthusiasm on their performance even if you know they are not doing well.

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